Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The DuroMax XP4400E says Lights ON! There are many causes of power outages, such as wind, snow, and ice storms causing fallen branches and downed power lines. In recent years storms and other power failures have caused the electricityto be out for weeks at a time, and in a few instances for several months on end. This can cause many hardships such as: freezing pipes, spoilage of refrigerated food, frigid indoor conditions and severely distressed familly members. It is no fun shivering in the dark and there is always the danger of a candle or lantern starting a fire at this worst possible of times. You would do well to plan now how protect your familly and household with a Electric Start 3000 watt generator! This portable electric generator is like having an isurance policy to cover the unforeseeable weather dissasters that seem to occur with increasing frequency in our power dependant modern world. This generator can be relied on to aid you and your loved ones in times of hardship until repairs are made to utilities or help arrives. Our generator is sold complete with an electric starter for reliable starting when it counts and to save the strain on your back. When not on duty protecting your household and loved ones, it is often invaluble for doing projects around the property where power cords will not reach. Does your fence-line need repairs? Perhaps that storage shed at the back of your property? A portable electric generator is what you need to operate your power ...



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